I’ve been sitting in our lounge this morning, next to the Christmas tree and our doggie, and I’ve been thinking about what to write in this festive Blog Post, and I finally decided that it had to be about “dreams”.
I’m not talking about theta dream state, the alternative reality of dreams or the function that dreams play in our mental health, I’m talking about YOUR dreams the dreams that you have for yourself.
Those creative expressions of your Soul, those far-reaching examples of mind manifestation that have been calling out to you for so long.
This past year has been very different for me in comparison to all of the other years that I have lived so far, and this is mainly due to my QHHT work. In July 2021, after 3 years of juggling 2 part-time jobs, I took the bull by the horns and chose to leave the charity job that I had been working in part-time for 6 years, in order to concentrate full time on my QHHT work, and thank goodness that I did.
Because for the first time in this life, I feel as though I have found my place on this strange and wonderful planet that we call our home. I feel as though I have found my place and I feel as though I have also found my people.
Prior to discovering QHHT and becoming a self-employed Practitioner, I always felt lost and displaced and as though I was propping up other people’s dreams rather than my own. I no longer feel that way as I have discovered my own dream and I’m living it, I’m breathing it and I’m bringing it to life, and this is the Christmas gift that I would like to offer YOU today my darling!
I want to encourage you to dig deep and to delve into the depths of your Soul and to ask yourself “What is my dream and am I living it?” and then to listen to your beautiful, wise, all-knowing Higher Self. Work with that response and listen. Your dreams are out there, they appear as reality in the Universe as they are your conscious thought, so I want you to grab them with both hands and give yourself the Christmas gift that YOU my darling totally deserve!
A while back I created a meditation with the help of my galactic guides, "The Golden Beings of Light" to support you in the realisation of your dreams and desires. So if you are feeling drawn to discovering what these look like for you, perhaps take a listen to this meditation when you have some free time over the Christmas period. Take a moment out for yourself and start to make those dreams and desires your reality in 2023...
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for being part of my journey this year. Thank you for teaching me, thank you for supporting me and most of all thank you for opening your mind to the ongoing possibilities of healing, self awareness and the magic of QHHT! I love you and I am wishing you the most awesome, fun-filled, high-vibing Christmas EVER, big kisses, Georgina xxx